26 November 2009

Telecoms Company Advocates Revolution

So the Christmas season ads blitz has begun, as relentless as years gone by. But one ad has caught my eye more than most others, and not just because it's not some lazy fuckers recycling the ads of christmas' past, but because it seems to have some sort of secret 'class war' undertones.

In the ad, we see the lovably scruffy studenty types trying to ease the financial burden of the christmas season with some innocent streetside carolling, only to be foiled by the smarmy rich people with their matching scarves and hats and songbooks. The endearingly downtrodden bearded ones then call all their friends, who, feeling the christmas spirit, drop everything and rush to their friends' aid, and send the silver-spooners scampering with their tails between their legs.

What we actually see is some scruffy work-dodgers getting pissed off because some fuckers are better dressed, better groomed, more talented and more organised. They then gather up a mob and chase these poor souls, who could actually afford to spend the night in a pub, sipping hot whiskeys in the warm glow of each other's company, but instead decided to try spread some christmas joy, off the streets.

In an office somewhere in the depths of Meteor HQ there's a marketing executive with light shining under his face, cackling madly as he imagines the revolution rampaging through the streets using Meteor phones to organise the overthrow of Brian Cowen and his cabinet.

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