18 November 2009


Apologies for the title. Unfortunately, we're having a problem with Google adwords, that has seen a single vampire related post fill our blog with ads aimed at vampire freaks, so this has prompted me to write a list of the top ten words that we want used in our posts - scientifically determined to be the most popular and lucrative words in the English language guaranteed to make us new media millionaires

1. Naked
2. Hate-crime
3. Megan
4. Unit
5. Philadelphia
6. Cigarettes
7. Area
8. Cornhole
9. Pipe
10. Potato

Sample Sentence: " Megan wasn't naked when the Philadelphia Unit came over, but she was touching her area. She had put a potato into a pipe, and lied. The pipe belonged to a black guy, so it was a hate crime. She asked the guys from the Unit for cigarettes - they refused. Cornhole"

Well, something like that, but, y'know... better?

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