22 November 2009

Sorry Graham...

I've gotta be totally upfront about this. I stole this from Graham Linehan. I saw it on his blog, and rather than just write that, or include a link to his blog, I decided to find the original, and repost it here, so as to give the impression that my relentless internet trawling has yielded some original, never before seen, gold. It hasn't. Having fumbled around with the HTML embed shit on the interweb, like a sweaty octopus unhooking a bra (sorry Armando Ianucci...), I finally managed it. And its pretty good. I feel good about this now. I mean, its not like Linehan made it, or even found it. Someone Twittered it to him. So he's as bad as me. And he totally stole my idea for a TV show about a bunch of priests. Well, my version was harrowing drama, exploring the forbidden gay love between a trio of homo-priests, one of them a raging dipsomaniac; he tweaked it, but I still maintain I should have gotten EP credit, but whatever, fuck you, Graham.
His blog is here, by the way.

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