05 November 2009

Right Wing Buffoon Rescues Pinko

Lovably-entertaining-shockingly-powerful idiot Boris Johnson recently became a hero, rescuing a woman from a 'gang of hooded youths'. Johnson just happened to be cycling past when he answered the woman's cry for help, chasing the youths (one of them wielding an iron bar) down the street, away from the woman. It then turned out that the woman in question was lefty documentary maker Franny Armstrong.

This is all very heroic and admirable, even if the heroism is slightly reduced when you realise that the youths were young girls, and the admirability of it is similarly reduced by the fact that Johnson showed his silver-spoon upbringing by calling them 'oiks' as he chased them.

Add to this the fact that this sounds like the set up for a Tory-funded-Richard-Curtis-directed romcom; Passionate pinko has a run in with 'the real world' , is rescued by bumbling but likable toff, they meet, they fight, hilarious misunderstandings happen but then they both learn and grow and for some reason they decide they love each other.

'Right to Love', a Richard Curtis film, hitting cinemas in 2010.

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