10 May 2010

Shark Thoroughly Jumped

Well, it happens to everyone eventually, and to be honest, it had looked like it was coming for a while now, but 30 Rock has now conclusively, epically jumped the proverbial shark. What started out as a smart, well observed and painfully funny show about the writing of a mediocre sketch show now resembles a bad Saturday Night Live parody of a smart, well observed and painfully funny show about the writing of a mediocre sketch show. Oh how times have changed.
You may dispute this, but allow me to offer a synopsis of the shark-defying episode. Entitled "Argus", after the peacock bequeathed to Jack Donaghy by his dead mentor Don Geiss, the episode centres on three stories - Jenna's burgeoning relationship with a man who impersonates her for a living, Gris's turmoil over choosing a best man between Dot-Com and Tracey, and Jack's relationship with mentor Geiss - who's soul, in case I haven't made myself clear, Jack believes has migrated into the body of Argus. The peacock. This is Jack - the powerfull, seemingly all knowing corporate/republican stereotype, a character who's entire comic appeal stems from his own infallibility and sense of importance. Reduced to a ridiculous stooge, serving whiskey to peacock and calling him'Sir'. Crying like a baby when the peacock puts its wing on his knee, like a comforting father. No wonder Alec Baldwin is talking about getting out. Of course, there are all the surreal moments thrown in that you could expect, but its all so forced - Argus marks Liz as his mate (we get it - she's going to die alone) and Kenneth has some strange knowledge of 'peafowl',obviously from his previous existence as a simple hill person. Tina Fey's Liz has become a decidedly unlikable bitch. They seem to have run out of things to do with the other characters. Tracey is a child, Jenna is a narcissist - we get it. We get it all. We got it the first time, and loved it. Now shut up and fuck off, and don't make us watch a slow and horrible death, like the fucking Simpsons did.

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