10 May 2010

Coming to a theatre near you... and shameful hit generating phrases!!

When you're kids say they're listening to T-Pain, they mean this man, a flamboyant pimp from Tallahassee, FL.

You've gotta hand it to Antares Audio Technologies. In case you didn't know (I sure as dick didn't until five minutes ago), they're the guys who invented Auto-Tune. Thats the thing that people like T-Pain, will.i.am and Cher use to make themselves sound like emotional robots from the glitchy future. But its also what pretty much every other popular music vocalist uses to make sure they sing in tune, live and on record. As opposed to mad concepts like singing lessons or practice.
Glee: Women embrace each other in glorious high definition
And its also something you're very likely to have encountered for a solid hour if you've ever seen Glee. There are more computer generated voices in that show than an episode of Transformers guest starring Stephen Hawking.
So thats almost all popular music, and the most popular TV show in the western world, sewn up for these guys. All that's left is "Auto-Tune: The Movie". They're genius. Pretty soon, people will become so used to the hollow, soul-less - but technically flawless - voices from Glee that even the sound of your loved one's voice in casual conversation, what with all its hideous idiosyncracies and imperfections, will grate on the folds of your brain, like nails scraping on blackboard, or an elastic band snapping inside your scrotum.
And those bastards at Antares are behind it all.

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