31 May 2010

Teenager's privacy violated by parent (not facebook)

The above woman is crying because she was fined $435 after she beat Facebook to the punch and violated her 17 year old son's privacy. TIME magazine says:

Denise New hijacked her son Lane’s Facebook account when he left it logged in on a home computer, changing his password and posting as Lane. One post cited by the judge: “Check this out — I went to my mom’s and deliberately started an argument and called the police on her. She almost went to jail. How cool is that? Ha, ha, ha."

I've got a feeling there is more to this story than meets the eye, this guys mother does seem mental and is surprisingly upset by a $435 fine (maybe she feels bad about the stuff with her son too). However do you remember when you were 17? You were more than likely an arsehole. Check out these twats and I'm sure you'll see what I mean

28 May 2010

Thunder! Thunder! Thundercats! HOO...ooh wait.

Original Thundercats writer and comic book artist Stephen J. Perry has been officially confirmed as dead, the victim of homicide.

Perry went missing over two weeks ago, and on May 16th his van was found near some human remains. An arm, according to the cops. This arm has been confirmed to be Perry's.

This all paints a pretty grizzly picture of a gruesome death.

At this time the police haven't announced whether there's a suspect in the case, but I have my suspicions...

Mumm-ra; A stone cold motherfucker.

18 May 2010

What the Hell Happened to Ursula Andress?!

On the right hand side above is a glorious example of what people tend to call 'classic beauty'. What this term means is 'women who were very fuckable a long time ago'.

And what a long time it has been, as the left hand picture shows. Yes, they are in fact the same woman.

Ursula Andress has aged badly. And I don't mean "god, she's really showing her age". What I mean is that in the 48 years since Dr. No made Andress a (very deserved) sex symbol, she's apparently managed to age about 250 years.

12 May 2010

Daily Mail Outraged as People are Offered Jobs

The Daily Mail continued to be easily angered as they reported on the shocking behaviour of Faceclick.co.uk, an online sex chat service. Those filthy sleaze pedallers had the audacity to offer people the chance to apply for jobs!

Unemployed people were shocked when the job centre they went to seeking honest, paying work told them that if they wanted to, they could apply for a job with the internet sex chat site.

"It was terrible. Being given the option of considering applying for a job like that, it makes my skin crawl. What kind of girl do those strangers-who-are-trying-to-help-me-find-a-job-because-I-asked-them-to think I am!?" Said one woman, after she stopped sobbing "Do you think we should tell the police?" She added.

The Daily Mail are continuing to investigate these soulless monsters who are trying to provide young, willing women the chance to knowingly strip on camera for money, but early evidence is pointing towards foreign people and cancer.

11 May 2010

Nightmare on Elm Street (remake) - probably woeful.

While I haven't yet seen or heard anything about Nightmare on Elm Street (the remake), I did hear that Micheal Bay made it. This gives me the confidence to say that I will probably never watch the movie and that in reality the above picture is a million times better than it. Its a bear riding a horse, of course it is.
Nightmare on Elm Street will almost definitely make more money than this picture, what is wrong with the world? I bet someone is to blame. I'm gonna blame Halliburton because when I typed 'who to blame' into Google their name featured quite prominently.

10 May 2010

BREAKING NEWS: Torie-Lib Dem Negotiations to form basis for bulk of plot to Sex and the City 3

Cast of Sex and the City 3

Hollywood script writers were in London today, closely following the ongoing discussions on the formation of a new government, in hopes that the dramatic tension will prove just the ticket for the next installment of the Sex and the City saga.
It is thought that the tense and detailed political discussions between between David Cameron and Nick Clegg's parties could be easily translated to the sexy world of four sassy New York ladies 'doing it for themselves', venereal disease bedamned.
Early draughts of the script follow much the same format of previous movies, with some minor adjustments to the characters. 'Charlotte' will be remodelled in the image of Sam Cameron, while Sarah Jessica Parker's 'Carrie' will become more like David Cameron than she has appeared in previous installments. It is expected that red-haired 'Miranda' will be almost entirely changed, her character now reminiscent of former Torie Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher, while in a confusing move,Sex and the City regular Kim Kattrall(207) will play a newly introduced character, known as 'The Cryptkeeper'. Nick Clegg is rumoured to be playing himself.
A source said "We hope to retain the spirit of the show and the movies. All the same elements will be there - The Cryptkeeper will still be a promiscuous lush, Charlotte will still be the posh one, Miranda will be a tough go-getter; the original 'Iron Lady', and Carrie will still be looking for love - only this time it's all set against the back drop of her attempts to become Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland."
The film is being rushed into production this summer due to scheduling conflicts and Kim Kattrall's hastening descent into syphilitic dementia.

Coming to a theatre near you... and shameful hit generating phrases!!

When you're kids say they're listening to T-Pain, they mean this man, a flamboyant pimp from Tallahassee, FL.

You've gotta hand it to Antares Audio Technologies. In case you didn't know (I sure as dick didn't until five minutes ago), they're the guys who invented Auto-Tune. Thats the thing that people like T-Pain, will.i.am and Cher use to make themselves sound like emotional robots from the glitchy future. But its also what pretty much every other popular music vocalist uses to make sure they sing in tune, live and on record. As opposed to mad concepts like singing lessons or practice.
Glee: Women embrace each other in glorious high definition
And its also something you're very likely to have encountered for a solid hour if you've ever seen Glee. There are more computer generated voices in that show than an episode of Transformers guest starring Stephen Hawking.
So thats almost all popular music, and the most popular TV show in the western world, sewn up for these guys. All that's left is "Auto-Tune: The Movie". They're genius. Pretty soon, people will become so used to the hollow, soul-less - but technically flawless - voices from Glee that even the sound of your loved one's voice in casual conversation, what with all its hideous idiosyncracies and imperfections, will grate on the folds of your brain, like nails scraping on blackboard, or an elastic band snapping inside your scrotum.
And those bastards at Antares are behind it all.

Shark Thoroughly Jumped

Well, it happens to everyone eventually, and to be honest, it had looked like it was coming for a while now, but 30 Rock has now conclusively, epically jumped the proverbial shark. What started out as a smart, well observed and painfully funny show about the writing of a mediocre sketch show now resembles a bad Saturday Night Live parody of a smart, well observed and painfully funny show about the writing of a mediocre sketch show. Oh how times have changed.
You may dispute this, but allow me to offer a synopsis of the shark-defying episode. Entitled "Argus", after the peacock bequeathed to Jack Donaghy by his dead mentor Don Geiss, the episode centres on three stories - Jenna's burgeoning relationship with a man who impersonates her for a living, Gris's turmoil over choosing a best man between Dot-Com and Tracey, and Jack's relationship with mentor Geiss - who's soul, in case I haven't made myself clear, Jack believes has migrated into the body of Argus. The peacock. This is Jack - the powerfull, seemingly all knowing corporate/republican stereotype, a character who's entire comic appeal stems from his own infallibility and sense of importance. Reduced to a ridiculous stooge, serving whiskey to peacock and calling him'Sir'. Crying like a baby when the peacock puts its wing on his knee, like a comforting father. No wonder Alec Baldwin is talking about getting out. Of course, there are all the surreal moments thrown in that you could expect, but its all so forced - Argus marks Liz as his mate (we get it - she's going to die alone) and Kenneth has some strange knowledge of 'peafowl',obviously from his previous existence as a simple hill person. Tina Fey's Liz has become a decidedly unlikable bitch. They seem to have run out of things to do with the other characters. Tracey is a child, Jenna is a narcissist - we get it. We get it all. We got it the first time, and loved it. Now shut up and fuck off, and don't make us watch a slow and horrible death, like the fucking Simpsons did.

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