17 February 2010

Russian Man Jailed for Trying to Make People Happy

As this picture fails to adequately illustrate, last month Moscow came to a standstill when someone hacked the control computer for a 30ft by 20ft screen in the centre of the city, and made it show some hardcore, inter-racial porn.

Clearly this kind hearted soul was simply distressed by the ever-growing levels of racism in his beloved country and wanted to show his countrymen that there need not be hatred between people of different ethnicities, but instead there can be peace, love, and even lust.

The Russian authorities don't see it this way though, and have arrested a 40 year old man who has pleaded guilty to the act.

Come on, Russia, have a heart, the only thing this man is guilty of is bringing a couple of minutes of joy to the lives of poor, downtrodden Muscovites.

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