22 February 2010

It's not just me - Avatar isn't that good.

Well The BAFTAs are over and even better is that Avatar only won best Production Design and Best Visual Effects. Apparently the British Academy aren't stupid and realise that just because something is pretty and technologically cutting edge, (and is in essence a white mans guilt fantasy) doesn't make up for a lack of dialogue, originality, acting ability or any semblance of a script. I don't really care for all the award shows stuff all that much but all Avatars nominations annoyed me. It's so over-rated and just so disappointing. The New York Times claims it cost $500m to make and it appears that none of that budget went into the writing. I have no problem with Avatar winning technical awards but if it wins Best Picture in the Oscars I will lose faith in the Hollywood elite forever. Oh wait.. never mind.

17 February 2010

Russian Man Jailed for Trying to Make People Happy

As this picture fails to adequately illustrate, last month Moscow came to a standstill when someone hacked the control computer for a 30ft by 20ft screen in the centre of the city, and made it show some hardcore, inter-racial porn.

Clearly this kind hearted soul was simply distressed by the ever-growing levels of racism in his beloved country and wanted to show his countrymen that there need not be hatred between people of different ethnicities, but instead there can be peace, love, and even lust.

The Russian authorities don't see it this way though, and have arrested a 40 year old man who has pleaded guilty to the act.

Come on, Russia, have a heart, the only thing this man is guilty of is bringing a couple of minutes of joy to the lives of poor, downtrodden Muscovites.

Mystery Link of the week. Click the picture for possible entertainment!

Lauren Conrad wrote a book!

Lauren Conrad of 'The Hills' fame has written a novel. No really. No really. Seriously. And it is because of this I will not be reading it.
In other news the movie Precious: Based on the novel "Push" has now been released in paperback book format titled Precious: Based on the novel "Push", but don't worry you can still buy Push: A Novel  upon which the afore mentioned novel Precious: Based on the novel "Push"  which is based on Push: A Novel is based. I also will not be reading either of these as they are written by someone named Sapphire and I do not want to encourage that kind of thing.

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