24 July 2010

Imperial Bedrooms by Bret Easton Ellis

Bret Easton Ellis's new novel is really blah blah blah, it revisits characters from blah blah blah and really ties together many aspects of blah blah blah. But we're not a book review blog so thats really not important.
Author Lionel Shriver however thinks its 'simply not very good' and is just relying on a 'powerful publicity machine'. Whether this is just sour grapes or not is not really for me to say.
But, and here's the point of the post, one part if this publicity campaign is http://www.thedevilinyou.com/. Now this lovely little site lets you play the part of a casting agent and rates you based on what you make the unsuspecting actress do. Will you ply her with booze and make her strip, feed her drugs and proposition her, or just let her go. 
This may not be the kind of thing your into and if this is the case I really don't understand why your here, why don't you go read about the same thing on Jezebel with all their ideas of equality, dignity and boring political correctness. Maybe rather than fiction we should all just read articles like 'Where did all the Darias go?' or 'Is British Vogue Afraid of Lesbians?'. But I digress, actually I kinda forget the point now...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my god this is so sexist and misogynistic, you make me wanna be sick. Your such a sad little man, writing fear of lesbians. You know when i google fear of lesbians , or femogynophileophobia to give it its proper title, yours is the number 7 sebsite. 7! You make me want to cry. You shouldn't fear lesbians. You should embrace them. You should embrace... their embrace. Their soft pillowy embrace- deep, intense eyes meeting from but an inch apart, breath quickening, hands straying across smooth skin and lips....moistening. A knowing glance that says "you first".....
    But I digress! Stop being so sexist you rotten arsehole


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