29 July 2010


Limbo by Danish game developer Playdead points to the serious inroads that small download only games are making into rejuvenating a tired and repetitive games industry.

Variety in games from around Playstation 2 onwards seemed to have been taking a seriously generous amount of holiday time but thankfully it appears that download only content may change that. There were of course always unique games dotted about the landscape, games like Ico for instance but for a long time they seemed to be drowning in a sea of space marine/counter terrorist first person shooters and free roaming hooker killing simulators.

With a download only market available for developers to exploit smaller less ambitious games can be made. Distribution and promotion costs are less. So inevitably there is less to lose on a flop. When there is not as much of a gamble on every game developers can afford to experiment as opposed to adopting the Rockstar approach of throwing 100million at a desert hooker killing simulator where the main character handles like a shopping trolley with only three wheels. Limbo on the other hand probably cost about 0.5% what Red Dead Redemption cost to make and yet it remains easily the more memorable of the two.

Playing Limbo is ridiculously easy to get the hang of and even easier to get drawn in by. Anyone who has played Braid will appreciate this game. The world of Limbo has an incredibly familiar feel without a single line of text or any onscreen icons to suggest what the player is supposed to be doing. It is essentially a playable example of the Roald Dahl/ Brothers Grimm school of fairytales.

Criticism for the game seems to be squarely aimed at its price to length ratio and admittedly it is frustrating how short the game is, coming in at just under two hours. On Xbox live this will set you back 15 euros worth of Microsoft points so its not exactly cheap but even with its brevity and cost taken into consideration it is still highly recommended to anyone looking for a great story that they already know.

24 July 2010

Imperial Bedrooms by Bret Easton Ellis

Bret Easton Ellis's new novel is really blah blah blah, it revisits characters from blah blah blah and really ties together many aspects of blah blah blah. But we're not a book review blog so thats really not important.
Author Lionel Shriver however thinks its 'simply not very good' and is just relying on a 'powerful publicity machine'. Whether this is just sour grapes or not is not really for me to say.
But, and here's the point of the post, one part if this publicity campaign is http://www.thedevilinyou.com/. Now this lovely little site lets you play the part of a casting agent and rates you based on what you make the unsuspecting actress do. Will you ply her with booze and make her strip, feed her drugs and proposition her, or just let her go. 
This may not be the kind of thing your into and if this is the case I really don't understand why your here, why don't you go read about the same thing on Jezebel with all their ideas of equality, dignity and boring political correctness. Maybe rather than fiction we should all just read articles like 'Where did all the Darias go?' or 'Is British Vogue Afraid of Lesbians?'. But I digress, actually I kinda forget the point now...

22 July 2010

Consequences will never be the same.

Stumble across the internet and eventually you find things like this. Until now you may have been blissfully unaware of the existence of the (scarily powerful) Cyber Police!

Not anymore fucker! Be careful because everything you look at online from this moment forward (including that extremely specific erotica) can be back-traced by this angry lunatic.

In the meantime enjoy this vision of the future. Soon all our daughters and sons will be lining up to cry online like deranged lemmings leaping off cliffs of impulse into a sea of trolls.

It is funny though.

13 July 2010

If you can't laugh you'll cry?

You may not believe this (although you probably will if you'd just watch it), but the above video is of an elderly holocaust survivor dancing at various concentration camps along with some of his younger relatives. Personally i think its pretty good but some of the comments on YouTube seem to disagree claiming it is inappropriate. The only inappropriate thing I saw was yomguikarnage's comment "holohoax".

George Steinbrenner - Deceased

George Steinbrenner of Seinfeld fame passed away today. Apparently he also owned some American sports team or something.

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