26 June 2010

Escape from Huai'an

A group of plucky Chinese teenagers escaped from an oppressive training camp by subduing one of their minders before fleeing to a nearby city. It's the stuff of gritty anti-system movies the world over, apart from, ironically, China, where you're only allowed make movies if your name is Ang Lee or John Woo.

The 14 kids, aged from 15 to 22, were being 'treated' at a “jie-wang” (quit the internet) camp at Huai’an Internet Addiction Treatment Center, and decided they'd had enough. They captured and tied up one of their counselors, and beat him when he tried to raise the alarm. They then escaped to a nearby city, where they were recaptured by the authorities, who recognised them because of their "military style" jumpsuits.

It's like Battle Royale and The Great Escape rolled into one.

Except for, it's not. First off, these were kids being held because of their internet addiction. So they were probably all pasty, overweight and sensitive to bright sunlight.

Secondly, there was no dramatic motorcycle chase, jumping over barbed wire fences. Instead, they got taxis, which they couldn't pay for.

There was no great plans for return to friendly territories. No, not these down-trodden rebels, instead they went to the nearest city, because one of them lives there.

Although I do like to think they got caught when someone wished them good luck, and one of them replied "kthnxbai LOL :)".

1 comment:

  1. the problem with the last line is that you need to be a 'pasty, overweight and sensitive to bright sunlight' internet dork to get it.


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