27 October 2009

Countdown to Liquor Day

If you don't like Trailer Park Boys, I don't like you. Fact. Here is the trailer for the new movie, Countdown to Liquor Day. 1:15 to 1:25 is just classic. I've thrown in a picture of Bubbles and a dumpy, school marm-ish Elisha Cuthbert. You're welcome.

British people are retarded...

...literally. This picture sums up one half of why British people are retarded, and the place I got it (here) sums up the rest of it. Its brilliant really, a never ending source of fun. Just for example Mary Ellen Synon's blog/column; euroseptic. No doubt, a fair and balanced view of goings on in Brussels. Or the brilliantly titled economy blog, called, wait for it, 'Its the economy, stupid'. Well, thats put me in my place.
My favourite has to be the women's interest section on the website, Femail (see what they did there? Thats actually funny on three seperate levels; its a triple threat pun, like Frank Sinatra or Gene Wilder). Here they cover women's issues with a uniquely Mail-ish twist. Stories about how 'you didn't get date raped, you were just trashed, you slut', 'having kids is good for you, but only if you're married. Because that way, you wont go to hell. You slut', or my personal favourite 'cervical cancer vaccines will turn you into a slut. You slut.'

Gordon Ramsey looks gooooooood

Gordon Ramsey got plastic surgery to fix his demented looking face recently. Which isn't really interesting, except that it doesn't seem to have done anything at all, and he still looks like a Spitting Image puppet. A particularly unrealistic Spitting Image puppet. No wonder he shouts all the fucking time, its the only way anyone will take his horrific, cartoonishly ugly, wrinkly visage seriously. He just has too much skin, poor guy. Like a kind of foreskin on his face. He needs a facial circumcision.

Monkey funeral

Finally, conclusive proof of one of the most important questions to face mankind in the modern era - do monkeys grieve?
The Daily Heil says, 'Yes, yes they do', and this apparently haunting picture tells the whole story. It seems the monkeys are looking on, desolate as their close friend Dorothy is taken to her final resting place. Far be it from me to suggest that they might just be looking on, horrified as one of their own is carted off in a wheelbarrow, wondering which of them will be next to suffer at the hands of the sinister character known only as 'the barrow man'. That sounds pretty good - it'd be kinda like the Lawnmower Man, but more monkey-focused, i.e. entirely monkey focused.

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